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1. Colony Sim - Early Preview

2. Mesh?

3. Flat World

4. Elevation

5. Solid Blocks

6. Proper UVs

7. Grid Data & Face Culling

8. Multithreading

9. Chunk Creation

10. Noise Fix

11. Pluggable Noise Passes

12. UVs

13. Spatial Interactions

14. Unit Prep

15. Pathfinder

16. Moving Units

17. Preparing the Simulation Scene

18. The Game of Life

19. Better World Gen & Pluggable Rules

20. Circular World & Beach Cells

21. Rudimentary Temperature

22. From Texture to 3D #1

23. From Texture to 3D #2

24. Midpoint Displacement

25. Height Viz

26. Neighbor Height Stack

27. Water Level & Sand

28. Mono Actions

29. Chunk Filtering #1

30. Chunk Filtering #2

31. Chunk Filtering #3

32. Chunk Filtering #4

33. Progressive World Gen

34. Circumnavigating Pathfinder

35. Removing/Adding Blocks

36. Render Fix

37. Filling the World

38. Filling Gaps

39. Water Depth Fix

40. Water Level

41. Infinite Chunk Address System

42. Progressively Adding Chunks

43. Chunk Height Viz

44. Chunk Height Viz Fix & Viz Rules

45. Noise Terrain Generation

46. Tasks & Task Manager

47. Path Task

48. Build Task

49. Unit Manager & Task Handling

50. Better Block Detection & Closest Unit

51. Destroy Task

52. Custom Sprite Animator

53. Custom Sprite Animator #2 - Direction Specific Animations

54. Unit Animations

55. Better Pathfinder

56. Group Tasks

57. Task Block Assignments

58. Fill Area / Better Task Allocation

59. Tree Placement

60. Material Database

61. Tasks SO Hooks

62. Gather Task

63. Storage Build

64. Move Material To Storage

65. Material Management

66. Crafting System #1

67. Crafting System #2

68. Event Based Task Management

69. Crafting Completed

70. Procreation

71. Needs Framework

72. Animals

73. Unit Refactor

74. Animal Hunger & Meat

75. Meat Harvest

Become a Tier 1 Patron to unlock all lessons.