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Twin Stick Shooter Zombies!

Let's shoot some zombies!

Course Lessons
Course contains 15 lessons.
Let's take a look at the asset we are going to use and setup our player animations

Let's setup our player controller

Let's create the aiming with a controller and with the mouse while switching on it on the fly

Let's create our weapon framework and start shooting!

Let's make our weapon's aim look better with IK

Let's shoot stuff!

Let's make somes dummies to kill

Let's spice up our lighting

Let's create a framework to make randomization through out the level

Let's set our framework to also spawn fixed enemies if we want to

Let's create a score system to spawn snapshots

Aiming with the mouse can be offsetted if there's a collider blocking it, so let's find a fix for it

Let's make the zombies be hungry... for blood!

Let's add some IK to the zombies