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COD-like - Season 1

Do I really need to introduce you to the concept of a Call of Duty clone?

I thought so too... let's get down to business!

In SEASON ONE of this COD-like tutorial series we are going to learn:

  • Creating FPS & TPS Controllers
  • Gunplay 
  • Network Structures
  • Multiplayer Modes
  • Kill Cams
  • Match Replays
  • Menu Logic
  • XP & Leveling
  • Unlockables
  • Lootboxes

  • .... And a whole lot more goodies


SEASON 2 coming soon as well

Course Lessons
Course contains 36 lessons.

Let's create the movement for our controller

Let's add the shooting logic and some basic Item framework

Let's start adding the game UI so we get information as to what's happening in the game

Let's add recoil to our gunplay

Let's see how we can distinct between things we shot

Let's add sprinting, crouching and sliding into our controller

Let's add some animations into our head

let's add weapon sway

let's add aiming down sight

Let's enhance our gunplay by adding spread to our weapons

Let's create our controller to handle both local and client objects, getting one step closer to multiplayer

Let's create the setup for networking per match

Let's see how we manage the rounds of the match

Let's create the network stream of data that will be used to sync our controllers. Plus, we will see the framework for creating replays

Let's add synced pickables over the network

Let's setup the callbacks for connecting to a server

Let's create the logic for changing characters and for our menus

Let's create the manager that will handle leaderboards and the friendlist

Let's see how and what happens when we try to unlock a character

Let's fancy up our UI

Let's handle what happens before you start the match, while you wait for a player and after a player joins

Let's create the logic for having replays into the game

Let's fancy up our weapons

Let's work on our replays a bit more

Let's make the changes we need to do for adding FPS animations

let's add camera shake and polish our replay system get the camera shake script from here https://unitylist.com/p/vxs/Camera-Shake

let's sync our animations via the replay and network

Let's fix some bugs we have with the shootables, replays and animations

Let's create a framework so we can have different match rules and types

Let's setup the architecture for the matches, finishing one / adding scores and restarting one

Let's switch weapons and also make that action show up in a replay