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Behavior Node Editor
Let's create a node editor to help us design both controllers, AI and game management. All with our own custom editor window!
Course Lessons
Course is complete and contains 15 lessons.
Course intro, github link : https://github.com/sharpaccent/Behavior-Editor
Let's see the ropes for creating a custom Editor Window in Unity.
Let's connect a few nodes together and use our interface to edit the scriptable objects that house our logic
Let's go hunting for internal Unity features such as the reordable lists.
Let's create a behavior graph to save our hard work.
To avoid duplicate states and asyncing our data, we are going to make sure each graph can have only one of the same state per node.
Similar with the previous lesson, we are going to ensure that each state has unique conditions.
Let's serialize our entire graph, the proper way
Serialzing our Graph 2: Serialize harder
Let's connect the transition nodes with the state nodes. Plus, let's add some style to our custom GUI.
Now we're thinking with portal... nodes
Let's add one small touch, visualizing which state the active game object is inside our graph
Let's fix losing our graph when closing Unity's editor and add more in-sync runtime visualization
Let's add a custom Inpector for our States
Let's add the incredible ability to scroll our graph