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1. Where to Start

2. Introduction

3. Third Person Controller

4. Camera & Aiming

5. IK Aiming

6. Weapons

7. Character Customizations

8. Scriptables / Events / Crosshair

9. Dynamic HUD

10. Menus With Events

11. Scene Logic & Events

12. Data Parity

13. UI Logic & Events Overview

14. Concluding the Inventory & Menu Updates

15. Enhancing The Controller

16. Ballistics / Object Pool / General Tweaks

17. Hit Detection / Damage Reactions

18. NPC Tweak / Audio Scriptables

19. FindAssetsOfType

20. Multiplayer Setup (Photon)

21. Lobby Sync (Photon)

22. Match State Sync & RPCs

23. Multiplayer Controller Start / Fixes

24. Prediction & Match State Logic #1

25. Match State Logic #2

26. Syncing the Controller

27. Polishing / Hit Detection

28. Respawning

29. Network Timer

30. Multiplayer Sync Loop

31. Enemy AI / FOV

32. Modular AI Agents Setup

33. AI Cover

34. AI Pseudo-Director

35. AI & Controller Fixes

36. Refactoring & Importing Libraries (You can start here too)

37. Moving Around

38. Movement Animations

39. Camera Handling

40. Input Button & Camera Aiming

41. Aiming Movement & Animations

42. Action Switch

43. IK Aiming

44. Items & Weapons

45. Resources Manager

46. Weapon Instancing

47. Shooting Weapons

48. Decoupled Crouching

49. Weapon Sliders

50. Reloading Logic

51. Ammo Management & Types

52. Vaulting

53. Re-adding the Object Pooler

54. Pluggable Ballistics

55. IHittable Interface

56. UI Architecture

57. Event Driven UI Logic

58. Master Server Connection

59. Room Creation #1

60. Room Creation #2

61. Network Print

62. Network Instances

63. Network Player Controller

64. Prediction

65. Smoother Controller

66. Lobby Room Creation #1

67. Lobby Room Creation #2

68. Joining a Room

69. Syncing Controllers

70. Item Sync

71. Shoot Sync

72. Vault Sync

73. Ballistics Sync

74. Stats Observer

75. Fixes

76. Ray Filtering

77. Hitting Players

78. Multiplayer Game Loop

79. Spawns Allocation

80. Health & KillCount Auth

81. End Match

82. Time Manager

83. Cloth Items

84. Profile Inventory #1

85. Profile Inventory #2

86. Organization Skills

Become a Tier 1 Patron to unlock all lessons.
Heat - Third Person Shooter Multiplayer - Lesson 39 - Camera Handling
In this part we will decouple the camera handling for our game

Lesson Files

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